Lorelei Gaus

Lorelei Gaus

Lorelei is an Associate at Boathouse Capital and previously was a Management Consultant at Boston Consulting Group’s Philadelphia office. She served nine years on active duty as an Adjutant and Foreign Affairs Officer. Her assignments included Battalion Adjutant in Combat Logistics Battalion 6, Regimental Adjutant in Combat Logistics Regiment 2, Protocol Officer at Marine Barracks Washington, and Adjutant at the Marine Raider Support Group. She graduated from the Naval Academy in 2008, obtained a Masters Degree in International Relations from Georgetown University in 2014, and earned an MBA from Wharton Business School in 2019. She is married to Nick Schroback, a former Special Operations Officer and fellow Marine Raider Foundation Ambassador. Lorelei and Nick live outside Philadelphia, PA with their two daughters.

2023-03-21T18:10:36+00:00December 13th, 2017|
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