Oct. 7, 1982 – July 31, 2011
2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion – Herat Province, Afghanistan

Born in Richmond, VA, a native of Moscow, PA, and a 2000 graduate of North Pocono High School, Staff Sergeant Patrick Dolphin enlisted in the Marine Corps in June of 2000. He began his career as a Basic Reconnaissance Marine, assigned to both 3rd and 1st Recon Battalions, and later became a section head of the newly formed MARSOC Recruiting and Screening West Branch. In January 2009 he was assigned as an element leader for Team 2, Golf Company, 2nd MSOB, Camp Lejeune, NC. SSgt. Dolphin deployed numerous times in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. On his last deployment to Afghanistan as part of Golf Company, 2nd MSOB, SSgt. Dolphin had just recently returned from a lengthy nighttime patrol when the barracks where he was sleeping caught fire. SSgt. Dolphin and two fellow Marines were killed in the early morning fire, and two other Marines were injured. SSgt. Dolphin’s personal decorations include a Bronze Star with combat V, Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal with gold star and combat V, two Combat Action Ribbons, and three Good Conduct Medals.