
13 03, 2017

2017 Marine Corps Marathon Charity Partner Team, MARCH 2017

2017-06-26T03:10:07+00:00March 13th, 2017|

The Marine Raider Foundation proudly announces that we are a 2017 Marine Corps Marathon Charity Partner! We are excited to personally invite you to #Run4Raiders with us on October 22nd in Washington, D.C.! This is our 5th year participating in the inspiring and motivating "People's Marathon" and we have just 35 highly coveted slots available!

26 01, 2017

HERO Raider Challenge Newsletter

2017-06-26T02:58:48+00:00January 26th, 2017|

Last weekend, 18 of our friends at the USD HERO Club pushed themselves through the physically and mentally grueling 12-hour 'HERO Raider Challenge: In Honor of Captain Matthew Manoukian.' The students' hard work and motivation helped raise nearly $8,000 to further the mission of the Marine Raider Foundation and support Raiders and their families. There is still time to donate in support of these students, who are making incredible accomplishments while honoring our heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

26 08, 2016

FALL 2016 Newsletter, Part I and II

2017-06-26T03:04:57+00:00August 26th, 2016|

On December 7th, I had the privilege of watching five Marine Raiders graduate from The Honor Foundationโ€™s rigorous 127-hour transition program. As we close out 2016, our team at the Marine Raider Foundation is determined to launch into the new year by creating more tier-one opportunities for our community. Through strategic partnerships with programs like THF, we will increase opportunities for our Marines and Sailors, and provide every outlet to ensure success as they move on to the next chapter in their lives.

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