Daniel Dinsmore enlisted in the Marine Reserve in June 1995, completing basic training at MCRD San Diego, CA. He served as a 3531 Motor Vehicle Operator, 3533 Logistics Vehicle System Operation, and later as a Basic Forward Observer. While stationed with Combat Assault Battalion in Okinawa, Japan, he competed on the Battalion’s Rifle Pistol Shooting Team. Then Corporal Dinsmore served as Motor Transport Heavy Section Leader with 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group at Camp Pendleton, CA. During a Field Supply and Maintenance Office inspection in 2001, he was the only Marine to appear twice on the honorable mention list, resulting in being awarded the Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal. In February 2001, his brother, a Marine First Lieutenant, promoted him to the rank of Sergeant. In December 2004, he deployed with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, taking part in Operation Unified Assistance after a tsunami hit the shores of Indonesia and Thailand. The Battalion Landing Team then deployed to Iraq to reinforce Camp Falcon. In December 2005, Sergeant Dinsmore, in between deployments, attended graduation commencement and received a Bachelors in Science from Washington State University in Pullman, WA. In January 2006, Sergeant Dinsmore deployed again to Iraq where he carried out duties as Operations Chief and Convoy Commander. During this deployment, he would earn a Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal with combat “V” distinguishing device. In November 2007, his brother, now a Captain, promoted him to Staff Sergeant. In March 2011, Staff Sergeant Dinsmore received orders to 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion as the Motor Transport Chief. In 2013, he deployed with Marine Special Operations Company Bravo to Helmand, Afghanistan, and would later serve as Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of retrograde operations for 1 st Marine Special Operations Regiment and Special Operations Task Force 81, earning him a Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal. In July 2014, Staff Sergeant Dinsmore reported to recruiting duty and was assigned to Recruiting Substation Bellevue, Recruiting Station Seattle, WA, where he worked as a canvassing recruiter for the cities of Kenmore, Kirkland, Woodinville and Redmond. In July 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, and in September, was assigned as Staff Non-Commissioned Officer of RSS Bellevue. Gunnery Sergeant Dinsmore retired from the Marine Corps on September 29, 2017.